Samira Saramo
Samira Saramo (born circa 1982) is a Canadian academic living in Finland.
Early life
Samira attended Hillcrest High School in Thunder Bay, Ontario, graduating in about 2002. In July 2000, she directed Play On Words, a play written by Michael Currie, at the 2000 Thunder Bay Fringe Festival.
Samira Saramo is an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher at the John Morton Center for North American Studies at the University of Turku. Saramo’s multidisciplinary research focuses on ethnicity, emotion, death, place-making, and social movements in both historical and current contexts. Analyzing personal letters, memoirs, and social media narratives, Saramo is particularly interested in the form and accompanying challenges of life-writing research. You can also find me on Twitter at @samira_saramo, as I'm not very active on this site.
— Samira Saramo, autobiography, on University of Truku website [1]
[1] University of Truku website [1]